What is Distance Healing and How does it work?

Distance healing is any type of healing that transpires over a distance, as opposed to the healer being physically present with the person seeking to be healed.

In spite of the fact that traditional Western medicine totally discounts this as a possibility, the fact is that hundreds of thousands of Americans are now pursuing non-traditional healing methods on a regular basis, either in addition to, or in lieu of traditional paths. In the past, we usually heard of people doing alternative healing in extreme cases, as a “last resort”, when traditional doctors pronounced them “hopeless”. We would hear of someone traveling to another country for alternative cancer treatments, or to visit a spiritual healer of some sort. By this time, their health was so far gone, they really needed a miracle! Little by little, stories came out in the media that such healings sometimes seemed to lead to improvement.

With the growing awareness that many are now experiencing, this idea no longer seems so far-fetched. There is now a growing wave toward types of healing that for one thing……don’t make us sicker! Have you ever noticed the appalling list of side effects the drug television commercials are now mandated to announce? It’s absolutely bizarre! There is an asthma drug commercial currently airing that states that the advertised drug remedy has been shown to cause increased deaths due to asthma! Obviously, this makes no sense, and anyone who isn’t totally asleep is going to question the wisdom in taking more and more medications whose side effects create more and more illness.I do agree that at times, medication is needed. I also believe that in most cases, if we ate as nature intended, exercised normally, somehow avoided all the negative childhood imprinting, as well as the negativity and stress we are bombarded with on a daily basis, we would never become ill to begin with!

Of course, this is a tall order, and many of us now are simply endeavoring to restore lost vitality and wellness. Traditional medicine seeks any means to prolong life, but mainly focuses on beating back symptoms once they emerge. We now know that the wiser approach is to take care of ourselves to begin with, but by the time we realize this, we have usually spent years doing damage! Spirit advises us all to take steps now to recapture our youth and vitality! We can and must take control of our lives before traditional western medicine tells us it is too late!!!

The type of distance energy healing I currently use is RECONNECTIVE HEALING.
Reconnective healing is pleasant to experience and the sessions take only 30 minutes. It is not necessary for you to be physically with me for a RECONNECTIVE HEALING SESSION. Reconnective healing also addresses emotional, mental, and spiritual health issues, as well as physical disease.

If you would like to have a reconnective healing session, please feel free to call me now at 1-310-396-4959.

Blessings, Love and Light,

Shannon Rose

P.S. Be sure to tell me that you got my number from my website for a special discount on my reconnective healing sessions! The number again is